One heck of a weekend in Jackson Hole with loads and loads of snow for all to play in. This last storm cycle saw Jackson Hole Mountain Resort’s totals topping the 300″ mark. Currently the total is 319 inches and counting as flakes continue to fly today well toward the weekend. Whoop whoop! The best part of today’s report is the base baby. Yep, Jackson Hole Mountain Resorts snow depths have reached over 100 inch in base, ideal for a continually enjoyable winter and a number that was never realized last year. This is all very good news for the resort and continues to secure it’s status as a top dog in snow totals for the Rocky Mountain region. Another remarkable weekend total has got to be the number of skiers at the hill. Never before has the resort been so visibly teaming with people. No doubt the status that comes with being number one means that the tram line is a consistent four box wait. Coupled with the snow and wind, the place was a zoo but when all is said and done at the end of the day, locals and visitors a like will agree, it skis like a dream.