While we’re rolling on the topic of music in the Tetons, get a load of what Jackson Hole Mountain Resort in Teton Village has been cooking up every Sunday. Some stellar acts have graced the pleasant new-ish Piazza – more commonly known as the Commons (or- ok- let’s just try to keep the euro vibe and call it ‘Le Commons’).
Yep, lots has changed out way yonder in Teton Village. Sundays are no longer sleepy, rather bubbling a la a pop jet fountain with locals and visitors alike. It’s just awesome to see…and hear. So lively, easy going and a great place to hang out on actual grass under the tram and tune out and in with your gaggle of kids or gang of friends. Been going more than a few years by now and every season sees increasing crowds. Must be the free thing? Time for a shout out to the Teton Village Association and Jackson Hole Mountain Resort! Thankfully there’s good food stands standing around from everyone’s favorite old sandbys like Teton Thai and the almost- gone Village Cafe. Overall it’s a good old time on the commons. Pre- concert activity and entertainment pursuits to nicely compliment the concerts include the following:
- Grab and oxygen tank and hike to the “Top of the World” AKA known as Rendezvous Bowl for top notch 360 Teton Views as far as the eye can see…or at least to Idaho. 10, 4??? ft NBD.
- Grab a six pack and bring it on the Tram (but do not consume whilst in Big Red) for a quick, scenic and-ok- a little bit lazy – trip to the top. Buy those waffles while you’re at it. We hear they’re delish!
- Shoot for the middle: take the Gondola to the The Deck at the Couloir for a little happy hour action that sure is easy on the eyes in the views department. This is the point where it makes sense to travel up for a drink. For some reason, doesn’t work as well in the winter- right?
More from the thriving metropolis of Teton Village in later, equally as thrilling posts! But in the meantime, enjoy that summer boogie sun everyone.