Howdy stranger… it’s been a while. And we’re back. Bringing you a little bit of the lay of the land around these here parts. Jackson Hole’s off season, in particular, could use a little bit of dedicated commentary on a transitional time of year in a rather tiny town in the heart of the Teton Range. The townspeople and the mountains itself seem to be taking a deep breath getting ready for the famed and favorite season of all.
Hard to tell whether we are at the tail-end or the heart of the off-season here but with Jackson Hole Mountain Resort opening 10 days from now, winter anticipation is ramping up. There’s still a lot of battening down the hatches going on, either with home, car or gear, two for one’s up the wazoo (great way to store up for winter) and the kiddos (also sometimes known as skids) may be really starting to scramble for that old pass hookup to officially take to the hills.
It’s an almost sacred time of year. An opportunity to stretch, take stock, hang with friends and hole up. But the energy and excitement surrounding the ski season, which has already well-begun on Teton Pass, is about as palpable as a kid standing at the top of the stairs on Christmas morning waiting to see what Santa has brought. Let’s hope that this year, like all those before, means old St. Nick or maybe sooner some Thanksgiving Turkey float, will be dropping off plenty of white stuff.